Wednesday, December 17, 2014

No Waste Wedneday: Giving

You may be asking how this became a No Waste Wednesday post.  I promise I will be back soon with more No Waste Wednesday recipes.  Keep reading...

Foster Sassy, one of more than a dozen
 fosters to be hosted by the Cheapers
 The Cheapers don't have much to give monetarily but we do have much to give.  We have found many other ways to incorporate giving into our life though. Years ago while debating whether we should open our home to foster rescued dachshunds, Mr. Cheaper said something that has stuck with me always. "Why not? It is the right thing to do."  That one comment from a conversation years ago has guided us into many giving opportunities.

Foster Teddy
What do the Cheapers have to give?  Much!
-fostering rescued dachshunds
-teaching Sunday school
-donated breast milk

Foster Fez and Lil' Miss, fostering was a great experience for her
Yes, you saw thought last one correctly.  This weekend, I handed over an entire cooler of milk to an old friend for his brand new daughter. He thanked me and said, "We are so are so grateful. This is one of the most selfless things anyone can do. You are supporting a life!" Up until that I had not even thought of the enormity of what I was doing.  To me all I was doing was spending 15 minutes each morning relieving a little pressure and evening things out a bit.  If you've ever nursed our looked closely at new mom and wondered why she seems so lopsided then you know what I am talking about. Staring down at a picture of that brand new baby it really hit me how important that gift was to my friend's family.

 I have donated over 800 ounces of milk since Jr. was born.  There is the "no waste" part of the post. Jr.  stopped taking a bottle at about 3 months and I had a freezer full of frozen milk that I wasn't about to let go to waste.  When Lil' Miss weaned we ended up wasting an entire freezer full of milk and it broke my heart. I found out about the some great

milksharing organizations afterwards.  I was surprised by the amount of people out there desperately searching for milk for their babies for all different reasons.

Why am I sharing this?  There may be ways to give, donate or volunteer that you have not even considered.  It is likely that you have skills that are needed in ways that you have not considered. My special skill right now just happens to be lactating.  Until recently, I didn't even realize how much that was needed by others.

This holiday season the Cheaper family urges you to take a moment to think of what you have to give. Is it cooking at the local soup kitchen?  Fostering for an animal rescue?  Sewing mittens or hats for those in need?  Donating socks or hygiene items to the homeless shelter?  There are so many ways that your community needs you.  Open yourself up to opportunities to give that you would not normally consider. The Cheapers urge you give more than monetary gifts this season.

Happy Holidays from the Cheaper family!

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