Monday, December 1, 2014

2014 New Year's not too late!

Can you even remember your 2014 New Year resolution?  Good intentions are often abandoned by the end of January.  Well, its December 1 so there is still one more month to work towards that resolution.  The Cheapers have not let our resolution fall by the wayside.  We set the lofty goal of eliminating $300 of monthly expenses from our budget!  Yes, that is a big number. Yes, I am still feeding the family(and with the same food budget).  We haven't smashed that $300 mark yet, but we haven't given up either.

Here is where we have saved:
  • Gym Membership- $74/month
    Cancelled that sucker! We just had a baby, so we are pretty busy.  I'd rather plunk him in the stroller and take a walk as a family than spend my time alone on a treadmill just staring at the wall.
  • Car Insurance-$37/month
    Our insurance agent was able to find us a policy that cost less and included more things. Ask your agent about possible changes.  They are experts in their field(if they aren't, find a new agent), so use their experience to your advantage.
  • Internet Service-$17/month(we do not have cable)
    First, look at your bill and see what you are actually being billed for.  We were being billed $7/month for the use of the internet provider's modem.  We were able to purchase a compatible modem for $30 with shipping and return the company's modem.  We also called to make sure that we were receiving the absolute lowest price possible for our monthly service.  
  • Cell phone service-$83/month
    We switched to Ting.  Read about it here
That is $211/month so far!  We hope to pay off the last little bit of credit card debt by the ending of the month and smash our 2014 resolution.  Stay tuned! I cannot wait to celebrate the demise of our credit card debt!!!!

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