Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2015: The Cheaper Resolutions

Welcome to the New Year!  Yes, I am aware that it is February already and I am a bit late to the party.  For the record, I did start this post way back in December though.  I have just been busy working on the resolutions I'm about to dish on.

2014 was amazing because, well, this happened...

...and lots of other great things too that pale in comparison to the joy of Jr.-a job promotion, weddings, kindergarten and achieving some of our big long-term goals!  We have big things on the docket for 2015 too!


-$5 Bill Savings Plan-Every time we receive a $5 bill this year we are going to save it. I thought this would be hard but it is an relatively painless way to save.  We've save over $100 so far.  So yeah, we are digging on this resolution!

-Pay off my student loans-Odds are you got them too. They drag on FOREVER!  

-Keeping up on paper clutter- Mail, receipts, school papers-its adds up quick if you don't have a good system.  I cannot believe the barrage of papers that sent home from school!  I am trying a few new things to keep up on all the paper clutter-art display for Lil' Miss(a la Pinterest) and the weekly basket for receipts, mail and misc. paperwork, and a new portable file tote. The idea is to sit down once a week and process the basket.  Ideally, it would be the same day and time each week and become routine.  Well, its not routine yet and I still need to break Mr. Cheaper's habit of leaving papers wherever.  Nevertheless, it is an improvement....and a work in progress.  Once I figure it out, I'll share what I've learned. 

-YNAB(You Need a Budget)-This one is my favorite!  I totally geek out on tracking and analyzing income and expenses.  For years, we had used the now discontinued MS Money for tracking.  It was like a member of our family.  After the demise of our computer with the MS Money, I decided to give Mint.com a try.  It was just not detailed enough for me. We made the switch to YNAB on December 31.  It is more similar to my beloved MS Money, and so far, I am happy(it may even be growing into love).  

So that's what we've been up to in the first part of 2015.  Still going strong on our resolutions...are you, friend?